What Is Elephant In The Room In French

Context sentences for elephant in the room in french.
What is elephant in the room in french. Prepositional phrase adverbial phrase or other phrase or expression for example behind the times on your own obvious thing being ignored sujet tabou sujet qu on refuse d aborder sujet qu on refuse de voir nm nom masculin. English it is the famous elephant in the room that everybody avoids talking about. Many translated example sentences containing there is an elephant in the room french english dictionary and search engine for french translations. The elephant in the room of this series is the question of power.
French translation of elephant the official collins english french dictionary online. Bab la is not responsible for their content. Over 100 000 french translations of english words and phrases. S utilise avec les articles le l devant une voyelle ou un h.
An obvious truth that is deliberately ignored by everyone in a situation meaning pronunciation translations and examples. These sentences come from external sources and may not be accurate. Quelqu un va devoir parler de l éléphant dans la pièce alors je suppose que ce sera moi. The elephant in the room definition.
How to say elephant in the room in french. éléphant dans la pièce find more words. Well someone better address the elephant in the room so i guess it s going to be me.