What Is Bulbar Urethra

During injury the bulbar urethra is crushed against bone.
What is bulbar urethra. Bulbar meaning bulb shaped urethral stricture is an obstruction of urine flow through the urethra which impedes the body s ability to pass urine. Excising a short segment of urethra and sewing the ends together typically has the best long term surgical results which approach 95. A stricture restricts the flow of urine from the bladder and can cause a variety of medical problems in the urinary tract including inflammation or infection. The bulbar urethra under the scrotum and perineum the area between the scrotum and anus the penile urethra along the bottom of the penis the meatus the exit at the tip of the penis strictures that happen in the last 9 to 10 of the urethra that urine passes through are called anterior strictures.
When a bulbar stricture is less than 1 5 2 cm in length the two primary treatment options are either a dilation a direct vision internal urethrotomy or an open urethral reconstruction it is very unfortunate that most men with bulbar strictures are generally treated with dilation or urethrotomy without prior imaging and often repeatedly treated with these ineffective techniques repeatedly. Bulbar urethra is the most common site of urethral stricture. The urethra is a tube that carries urine from the bladder so it can be expelled from the body. In the bulbar urethra the most common types of urethroplasty are anastomotic with or without preservation of corpus spongiosum and bulbar arteries and substitution with buccal mucosa graft full thickness skin graft or split thickness skin graft.
In some cases there is immediately swelling and blood at. Bulbar urethra stricture occurs because of trauma straddle injury instrumentation infection and lichen sclerosis. A urethral u ree thrul stricture involves scarring that narrows the tube that carries urine out of your body urethra. The bulbocavernosus muscle surrounds the bulbar urethra.
Bulbar urethra is susceptible to the injury because of absence of protection. Penile spongy pendulous urethra 16 cm long. The anterior urethra is composed of the penile and bulbar urethra to the level of the urogenital diaphragm. The membranous urethra is a short area of the urethra that extends from the proximal bulbar urethra to the distal verumontanum the verumontanum is a small mound in the urethra where the ejaculatory ducts open into and sperm enters the urethra.
The posterior urethra is composed of the membranous and prostatic urethra. What is urethral stricture. Usually the urethra is wide enough for urine to flow freely through it. These are nearly always done in a single setting or stage.