What Is An Acupuncture Mat
An acupressure mat is a device that allows you to enjoy the benefits of an acupuncture session at home.
What is an acupuncture mat. The first thought is that using a mat with so many pins on them most mats have over 6000 points increases the chance of a novice stimulating the 100 acupressure points on their back known. Set aside some time throughout. Natural pain relief. Acupressure mats use the same principals at acupuncture acupressure and reflexology.
These small bulges deliver pressure to parts of the body in contact with the. These mats are usually covered in plastic spikes and act as a convenient at home replacement for in person acupressure treatment. Acupressure is an ancient chinese therapy that is practiced by health professionals around the world. Acupressure mats may look pretty scary but they re perfectly safe to use.
See below 23 proven health benefits of using an acupressure mat. An acupressure mat also sometimes called a needle stimulation pad nsp is covered with hundreds of plastic nubs. From traditional chinese medicine tcm acupressure is a technique used to release blocked chi qi or energy. Acupressure mats are designed to produce similar results as acupressure massage.
Chronic pain statistics have shown many are trying alternative therapies to cope with daily pain. However plenty choose to enjoy the treatment in their own home. Acupressure practitioners use their fingers palms elbows or feet or special devices to apply pressure to acupoints on the body s meridians. The mats are made of foam fabric or most often a layer of both and studded with hard round plastic rosettes liberally covered with short spikes.
There are two schools of thought on what makes the mat work.