Wellness Specialist Certification Online

Holding a professional certification demonstrates to the public that you are qualified to work in the health promotion wellness field and stay up to date in your practice.
Wellness specialist certification online. Certified corporate wellness specialist is a certification of expertise offered by the corporate health wellness association chwa. Get coronavirus workforce preparedness training for free with ccws. It includes both paid and free resources to help you learn health and wellness and these courses are suitable for beginners intermediate learners as well as experts. The training aims to assist participants in building the business case for wellness creating and sustaining a culture of.
This is an average price for an online nutrition certificate. To request a paper application email emily privatsky at eprivatsky. Wellcert is the premier certification program for employee wellness practitioners we are proud to stand behind it with a money back guarantee. 25 experts have compiled this list of best health and wellness course tutorial training class and certification available online for 2020.
Cwp certification standards are continually reviewed and maintained by nwi s council on wellness certification excellence cwce. This three hour certification course covers wellness incentive laws such as the health insurance portability and accountability act hipaa the affordable care act aca the americans with disabilities act ada and the genetic information nondiscrimination act gina as well as the fair labor standards act flsa the federal trade commission act ftca workers compensation laws and state. The current cost for the afpa nutrition and wellness consultant certification is 599. Afpa nutrition and wellness certification exam.
Space is limited to 24 students. Why do i need a certification in wellness. To apply for this training please complete the online application below. Afpa nutrition and wellness certification exam format is a lot different from the others.
This plan of eating for the most part is how americans eat daily with a reliance on dairy products as well as other animal products meat chicken fish turkey etc. The certification requires 9 modules of training classes and can be completed either live in person at a chwa event or online. The nutrition and wellness consultant certification program is based on myplate a government recommendation that was a revision of the food pyramid. You will be given 28days to do the tests.
When you purchase the certified corporate wellness specialist certification you will receive a complementary training course related to coronavirus covid 19 this complementary training course helps you get trained in the handling of this pandemic and how it affects your business.